Sunday, November 29, 2015

Military Divorce and the “20/20/20 Rule”

My first exposure to military divorce came not as an attorney, but rather as a child raised on a military base for most of my formative years. Any “Army/Navy/Air Force/Marine/Coast Guard Brat” can attest that there are a number of stressors associated with “base life.” Divorce was commonplace, though never more

Get Child Support During Divorce

You’ve made one of the hardest decisions of your life and filed for divorce. Now comes the stressful time of working out the legalities. Life after separation, including finances, will not be the same. If there are children involved, you may be able obtain child support payments even before all the details are finalized.

Your Kids Come First

Ideally, in spite of your irreconcilable differences, both parents will still work together on behalf of the children. It is important for them to feel secure during the turmoil of divorce. As parents, negotiate a reasonable amount of money for a support payment, even if the judge hasn’t yet ordered one.

Good Faith Gesture

For the custodial parent, the money will help keep life as normal as possible for the kids. If the non-custodial parent balks, point out that such voluntary agreements look good to the judge. Child support payments aren’t about grudges and power plays; they are about providing for the needs of the children.

Never use your children for leverage during the divorce. Of course, if your ex-to-be is willing to be reasonable about support, you will be more amenable to compromise over other contested areas in the divorce.

Explore your legal options by visiting this website to find a child support lawyer in Palm Springs.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Facing the Future

When all is said and done, most people want to do right by their families. In order to provide for your spouse and children, you need to make sure that you make decisions that will provide the best possible future.

Making It Work

When you are going through a divorce, and you have to deal with custody of your children, there are many complications that you might face. To see the best possible outcome from this difficult time, there are several things that you can do to make it work.

Hire a Professional

A family lawyer can be a lifesaver while going through a divorce. Having an objective professional involved in your divorce can help you make the right decisions for you and your children. Your lawyer will help you to see the bigger picture, and guide you through each complicated choice you must make. Find a lawyer that you trust and you will find the entire process is a lot simpler.

Be Respectful

Children are impressionable, especially when they are young. While it may seem natural to have emotional reactions to your spouse during a divorce, it is best for everyone if you keep a calm and respectful attitude. Take the high road, and teach your children the importance of a rational mind.

Going through a divorce can be messy, but there are plenty of ways to keep it cordial. Having the right advice can help you to achieve all that you wish from this difficult time. Visit this website to learn more about hiring a family attorney for child custody in Monterey.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

How to Tell When You’re in Need of a Family Law Firm

Separating is never easy. When you took your vows, you believed it would be “until death do you part.” You and your spouse are going in different directions, however, and it’s time to move forward with your lives separately. You want to get through the divorce as quickly and easily as possible. Do you really need a lawyer?

In some cases, couples can divorce without the help of counsel. They can draft their own divorce agreement and have the court approve it. If they don’t agree on everything, they can enlist the help of a mediator. In other cases, the separation isn’t cut and dry, and this is when it is wise to hire a family law firm to help you through the divorce process.

If your soon-to-be ex-spouse has already hired an attorney, you should as well. Unless you work within family law yourself, you do not want to go head-to-head with legal counsel. You will not be as versed in family law as your spouse’s attorney, and you will need a lawyer yourself to ensure that your best interests are met throughout the divorce process.

You will also want to hire adequate counsel if there are children involved. Making the separation as painless as possible on your little ones should be your top priority, and a family law attorney can help you and your spouse negotiate the custody, visitation and support arrangements as amicably as possible. Don’t drag your kids through the mud.

Abuse of any kind requires legal assistance. If you are being abused—even verbally or mentally—by your spouse, or if your children are being abused, you definitely want to enlist the help of legal counsel. Not only can the attorney get you and your children into a safe place, he or she can also file the appropriate paperwork with the court to secure a restraining order against your abuser.

Abuse also includes substance abuse. If your spouse is an alcoholic or drug abuser, you should seek the remedy of divorce through a family attorney. You likely want to have full custody of your children so they are protected from the substance abuser, and this can get complicated in court. Make sure you have knowledgeable counsel backing you up.

Going through a divorce is a painful process. Visit this website to discuss your case with a family law firm in San Diego that will protect your interests and help you through the dissolution of your marriage.

Why it is Essential to Spend Time With Your Grandchildren During a Divorce

As grandparents with an adult child who is going through a divorce, it can be confusing to figure out what your relationship with your grandchild or grandchildren should be. When in doubt, remember that your grandchildren need you more than ever during a divorce. Here are three things that grandparents provide children whose parents are divorcing.

1. Stability in an Unstable Time

Divorce can be scary and confusing for children, especially young ones. With all of the changes that children experience during a divorce, it is important for grandparents to step in and provide a stable escape for them.

2. Love, Affection and Reassurance

Children may experience a lot of emotions during a divorce and may even start to feel unloved or uncared for. Grandparents can give their grandchildren much-needed affection during this hard time.

3. Positive Role Models

It is best not to take sides during your adult child’s divorce. Instead, try to remain neutral and act as a model for positive behavior for your grandchildren. You can do this by:

• Speaking positively about both of the child’s parents
• Not openly favoring one parent or the other
• Spending time with children at your own home or in neutral locations

Remember to be there for your grandchildren when they need it in the most. For more information about grandparent visitation in San Diego, visit this website.

4 Ways To Move Your Child Out Of State During A Separation

If you want to make an out-of-state move with your child during a separation, there are a few things you may want to consider. These items will ensure that your move goes smoothly and you do not experience and unneeded legal drama.

1. Form an Agreement With Your Spouse

To avoid arguments with your spouse and trouble with the courts, make sure that you and your spouse are on the same page about your out-of-state move. If both parties are in agreement about the move, it may be simpler.

2. Give Proper Notice

In addition to making an agreement with your spouse, you should also give ample notice of your move. Depending on where you live, there may be legal requirements as to how far in advance you need to announce your move.

3. Make Sure You Have Good Reasons

The more you can prove that a move is in your child’s best interest, the easier it may be to make an out-of-state move. Consider whether the move will result in:

• The possibility of better education for your child
• A safer neighborhood or city
• A better job that will better provide for your child

4. Plan for Visitation

If you move out of state with your child, it may be your duty to plan for your spouse’s visits. Account for this if you plan to move.

Relocation can be a difficult process. For more help in this matter, visit this website to find a child relocation attorney in San Diego.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

3 Ways to Know If Your Spouse Should Have Custody

Following a divorce, determining custody may be one of the most difficult things you go through. Though parents sometimes are entitled to joint custody of children born during the marriage, there are circumstances where one parent may be deemed unfit to care for a child. Here are a few ways to know whether your spouse should have custody.

1. Parent With Custody is Primary Caretaker

To determine custody rights, some judges consider which parent fits the definition of the primary caretaker and has the strongest emotional bond with the child. Consider whether your spouse is the primary caretaker or whether you fit that description.

2. Child’s Needs are Met

It is also good to consider whether the parent receiving custody would be able to meet all the needs of the child. Look at your spouse’s situation and evaluate whether they could provide the following things for your child:

• Clothing
• Education
• Food
• Shelter
• Emotional support

3. Environment is Safe and Positive

Lastly, the parent who gets custody of a child should be able to provide a safe, nurturing and healthy environment. If your spouse has a history of addiction or anger, these are signs that the child may be better off in your home.

Make sure that your child is happy, safe and cared for following a divorce by ensuring that the right parent gets custody. Visit this website if you are looking for a child custody lawyer in San Diego.

How a Child Custody Lawyer Can Smooth Over the Divorce Process

Everyone is emotional when child custody is the center of a legal battle. The children are upset, each of the parents want equal time with the children and even extended family members often get in on the battle. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be that way. With a child custody lawyer fighting for the best interest of everyone involved, the divorce process can be smoothed over without unneeded hurt feelings.

One of the ways that a child custody lawyer will make your divorce run more smoothly is by making sure your child is taken care of. An attorney will speak with the child to determine what is in his or her best interest. By carefully looking over both parents’ finances and living situations, the lawyer can help them both see which environment will be crucial to the proper development and overall satisfaction of the child in the middle of the battle.

Something else that a child custody lawyer can help with is ensuring that child support payments are fair. When couples choose to figure this out on their own, one or the other often feels that the deal is not equal for both parents. An attorney will ensure that each child concerned is financially taken care of and that the parents comply with the terms that are set in order for care to be taken.

A child custody representative can also work to keep the peace in a heated argument. Especially when the children are present, it is never a good idea to fight over custody. Feelings are easily hurt and emotions run high and wild when the well being of a child is at stake. If the relationship between the two parents is already on eggshells, a lawyer stepping in to keep the arguments at a low roar is always a good idea. This will also help the children feel more comfortable in a tough situation.

Something else that will run more smoothly during a divorce when a lawyer is present is the understanding of the law. Some parents simply do not understand the laws in regards to custody, visitation and holidays. An attorney will work closely with each party to ensure that they are doing everything in accordance to the law, which will ensure not only a smooth divorce, but smoother years to come as well.

If you are in the middle of a divorce involving children, it is a good idea to contact a child custody attorney. Visit this website to find a child custody lawyer in Irvine.

Your Child Deserves Support

Adult relationships can be complicated, especially when they end. If you are raising a child after the relationship with the other parent is over, you know about the extra complications that can arise. Even though the relationship between the adults may have ended, both parents are still responsible for the child’s welfare. The custodial parent is not solely responsible for providing for the child.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Child Support Agreements Are Adjustable

Child support agreements are crucial for a child’s wellbeing. However, the arrangement that was correct for the child at age five might need some modifications to make it work for a 10-year-old. There are many reasons why people seek adjustments to the agreement.

Different Financial Realities

Perhaps you work in a volatile industry and you lost your job. You want to support your child, but are experiencing long-term unemployment. If you are legitimately facing financial hardship, you may want to consider a change to the child support agreement.

Maybe your ex’s income has grown significantly since the terms of the original support agreement. You can revisit those terms to get the additional support your child deserves.

Life Improvements

Are you looking to get more time with your child? Perhaps poor life choices left you with limited visitation. If you can now show marked improvement, you can seek to have visitation expanded. Maybe you are the custodial parent who just got offered the job of a lifetime in a different city. You need to balance providing better opportunities for your child with the rights of the other parent.
It’s important to seek professional advice when considering making adjustments to the child support agreement. Visit this website to find out more about making visitation adjustments in Mission Viejo.

Break The Cycle Of Abuse

Are you in a volatile relationship? Emotional ties are hard to break, but you don’t deserve to live in fear. You can end the domestic abuse cycle by getting a protective order.

It Won’t Get Better

Your partner may come back apologizing profusely and promising to never hurt you again. Your partner may be sincere in the moment, but has hurt you before and will do it again. It’s complicated to be harmed by someone you love, but you don’t deserve it and you don’t need to take it. The situation will not improve until you change it. Get a protective order to let your partner know that you aren’t going to take the abuse anymore.

Abuse Is Contagious

Children raised in homes where a parent experiences abuse are more likely to repeat the cycle when they reach adulthood. Do you have children at home? They don’t have to see the acts of violence to know something isn’t right. Even if the abuse isn’t directed at them now, living in an abusive home leaves them vulnerable to either becoming abusers or victims when they grow up. Getting a protective order safeguards both you and your children.

Breaking the cycle of domestic abuse takes bravery, but is worth it. Visit this website to find out more about protective orders in Irvine.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Facing Off During a Divorce

Instead of arguing with your spouse during your divorce proceedings, let a lawyer handle the negotiations to save you the stress. Certain individuals may be difficult to manage when you try to represent yourself.

Considerations When Hiring A Lawyer For Your Custody Battle

Hiring a lawyer during your divorce can be overwhelming. You have a lot of options. So how do you choose? Here are some of the things that you can look for when choosing your lawyer.

• Experience - Don’t look at how long the attorney has been licensed, but look at their experience in child custody cases.

• Reputation - Will the judge listen to your lawyer based on past interactions? You want your attorney to be well-respected in the courtroom.

• Resources - Does your attorney use evaluations and witnesses to help you prove your case? Strong custody battles can often turn into a he-said/she-said without documentation and witnesses.

• The ability to work toward your goals - Your attorney should keep your goals and budget in mind when handling negotiations and mediation. Instead of finding a cheap lawyer, look for one who can work within your budget to get the job done.

• Communication - What type of contact can you expect during your case? Ask them who will handling status reports. Who should you contact if something unexpected comes up?

Ask your lawyer for their assessment of your case and their philosophy in managing your situation. You can also find out if they see any potential issues in your case. Get as much information as you can before you sign a contract to ensure they will manage your case effectively. Visit this website to get more information about child custody in Poway.